TAPS is pleased to announce a new professional development grant program to assist TAPS undergraduate Majors and Minors. Funding is limited to one-time proposals and will reimburse up to $500 for students to attend/travel to workshops, conferences, or other professional development opportunities.

The TAPS Undergraduate Professional Development Grant program is funded by Stanford Arts and the Department of Theater and Performance Studies.


  • Declared TAPS students may use the Professional Development Grant for programs/ events that are integral to their academic degree or post-Stanford career opportunities, as approved by a TAPS faculty member.
  • Students may apply for funding once per year. Funding is limited to reimbursements up to $500. Priority will be based on academic seniority (i.e. seniors will have highest priority).
  • Funding can cover registration fees, travel, accommodations, meals; funds cannot be used for expenses related to Stanford courses, such as Capstones.
  • Students will be responsible for covering all arrangements and will submit receipts for reimbursement.
  • Event participation must be completed by August 31, 2025.


  • In order to apply for funding, please fill out the form below. A faculty sponsor must be listed for approval.
  • Proposals will be reviewed by the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
  • Proposals will be accepted and reviewed on a quarterly basis and are due at the end of the fifth week of courses (Friday, February 07, 2025 and Friday, May 02, 2025)
  • Once approved, instructions for reimbursements will be sent to students.


Contact Aileen Robinson, TAPS Director of Undergraduate Studies, aikr@stanford.edu.