




Please note that our spaces are highly sought-after. TAPS follows the below guidelines for prioritizing the use of the space:

  1. University and Departmental use as required
  2. TAPS classes, labs and workshops as required to support the academic mission
  3. TAPS Departmental productions, final rehearsals, and performances
  4. Stanford Events and Stanford Live activities as appropriate for the space
  5. TAPS Departmental production rehearsals
  6. TAPS sponsored activities or groups with supervision
  7. Other university activities that are appropriate for the space and the other ongoing activities


Each space has a specific occupancy limit. There will be no exceptions made to this occupancy limitation. Any group that fails to observe this limit will be denied future access to these facilities.


Policies listed here may be in addition to University policy. Violation of policy may cause loss of building privileges.

  • A supervisor will be present for all activities and will act as TAPS and university representative to ensure that activities are safe, properly scheduled, and that policy is followed.
  • The spaces within TAPS buildings are not available for use without an approved reservation. Groups that use these spaces without a reservation shall be denied future access to the space.
  • If a space is reserved but not used, effectively blocking other groups, future bookings may be affected.
  • Cancellations must be received at least 24 hours in advance in order to let the reserved space go to other groups.
  • In booking a space you must be aware of any groups using the space both before and after your activity. Please make sure that your participants do not intrude on the group scheduled before your activity or extend beyond the time that you have scheduled.
  • There shall be no open flame within TAPS spaces at any time unless specific permission has been obtained from the TAPS Building Manager.
  • Any decorations or theatrical type sets or materials must be constructed with flame resistant materials or be treated with an approved flame retardant chemical. Flame resistance will be subject to verification through flame test by the TAPS Technical Director prior to first performance and at any time during the run.
  • No banners, posters or materials of any kind may be tacked, pinned or taped onto any of the buildings walls, seats, windows or doors. Inappropriately posted materials and remaining tape will be removed at the event sponsor’s expense.
  • Scotch tape is not permitted on any building surface or theater chair. If tape must be used, it must be used sparingly and only “blue painters tape” is acceptable.
  • When using amplified sound or loud instruments, you must be respectful of the other scheduled activities in the buildings.
  • The space you used must be left clear, clean and ready to use with the rehearsal furniture placed neatly against the perimeter walls.
  • At the conclusion of an event where food is served, it is the responsibility of the person that booked the event to make sure that the space has been left clean and that all food has been properly disposed of. Food is not to be left inside the building past the initial serving.
  • Receptions and work sessions or classes that provide food and/or drink are never permitted within any performance space.
  • The sponsor for a special event is directly responsible for all direct costs incurred to support the event including, but not limited to, custodial, technical costs and supervision. All details relating to how the building will be used for the special event must be agreed to in advance, a Letter of Agreement signed and a PTA (account number) provided.



Student groups and University departments interested in reserving a TAPS space for rehearsals can find instructions on submitting a request in the Calendar Booking Policy document available below.


  • All of TAPS spaces may be booked through the TAPSCal web calendar (https://tapscal.stanford.edu).  
  • Memorial Auditorium, Pigott Theater, and Harry J. Elam, Jr. Theater are subject to additional booking requirements and will require conversation with the TAPS Facilities Manager (lsfowler [at] stanford.edu) to complete a booking. 
  • The Nitery’s bookings are managed by the NExT student board. Information about scheduling the Nitery can be found by emailing the NExT board.
  • This service is only for rehearsals or meetings. 
    • Spaces available for booking for rehearsals include: Prosser Studio,  M129 Studio Space, R114 Small Studio, R115 Studio, R113 Large Studio, R136 Studio
    • Spaces available for booking for meetings include: M126 Design Lab, M125 Seminar Room, M121 Green Room, R137 Classroom, R139 Seminar Room
  • All public/other events must email the Space Use Committee at TAPSCalendar [at] stanford.edu.
  • Space bookings are accepted and reviewed on a WEEKLY basis. Requests should be made between 5pm on Wednesday and 8am on Thursday for the following Monday through Sunday for both Roble Gymnasium and Memorial Hall. 
    • Requests made outside of the Wednesday 5pm – Thursday 8am time frame may not be seen by a TAPS Staff Member and may not be approved in a timely manner.
    • If your group has a special requirement that limits your group to a specific room or specific date and time, please email the Space Use Committee with details as to why your limitation exists and we will work to accommodate your group to the best of our ability.
    • Do not select “multiple-day options” Please submit a separate request for each day. Multiple-day requests will not be accepted.
    • If your event is denied, you will receive an email notification from TapsCalendar including a reason for the denial.



  • TAPS Calendar is linked to Stanford’s WebAuth login and you can sign in with your SUNET ID, or if you are already logged into other Stanford applications it will automatically log you in.


  • Sign In
  • Click on “MANAGE” at the top right of the page.
  • On the new page click on “Create an Event” (left EvM column)
    • Name of Event
    • Participation – how many people do you expect to participate
    • TAPS Supervisor – required for Memorial Auditorium, Pigott and Elam Theaters
    • Locations – you must choose one and only one from the list, if you would like to work in multiple locations you need to submit separate requests
    • Date including start and end times
      • calendar always starts at TODAY – double check
      • Do not select “multiple-day options” submit a separate request for each day
      • Please select both start and end times, multiple hour events are okay, the system defaults to single-hour events.
    • Categories – if you represent a student group please select “Registered Student Group”
    • Keywords – this is optional to make this easier for you to search
    • Contact – Name and email are required. Do NOT include a phone number – it will be available in a public internet search of your name.
  • Click SUBMIT
  • If you have not made any errors and your event does not conflict with any previously scheduled activities you will receive an email letting you know that your request has been submitted.
  • Staff will review your submission and either approve or deny your request at which time you will receive an additional email with that information.
  • Note: Once an entry is made you cannot change it directly. Email the Calendar Manager at TAPSCalendar [at] stanford.edu requesting a change or cancellation. Please be specific regarding which calendar and event you want to change.



  • Use the “Participation” section to provide the administrator with additional information about your request such as
    • Flexibility on time/range of time
    • Flexibility on space and priority of requests
  • Please put in a separate request for each space and block of time you’d like. If you select multiple spaces in the Locations section or multiple dates on the request form your event will be denied.
  • You can request multiple hours in a single request, please adjust the end time to encompass your full request.


  • Use “SEARCH” to filter events by 
    • START DATE and/or END DATE
    • CATEGORY: type of event, campus organization, etc
    • LOCATION: Where in TAPS facilities is the event located
  •  “Select Multiple” in both CATEGORY and LOCATION to do a more complex search.
  • Include the CATEGORY “Academic Calendar” to see the weeks of the quarter, the first day of classes, and holidays.
  • Searches are additive so if you search for one space and then search for a second space both will appear on the calendar unless you CLEAR between searches.
  • Use keywords to search for specific show-related events.  Use quotations around keywords to limit the number of returns on your search.



Student groups and University departments interested in reserving a TAPS space for their public event should email tapscalendar [at] stanford.edu their request on space, date, and hosting organization — to be reviewed by the space use committee. 


Please review our rates (below), general policies, and space-specific policies before emailing a request to the committee to review. This email alias is intended for use in scheduling public events; student group rehearsals will continue to be scheduled through the TAPS Calendar.


Stanford TAPS will schedule use of its facilities, with priority given to official University events and TAPS programs and activities. We will do our best to accommodate your event request, though there are many outside factors that determine our ability to open a space for an outside event.


Clients using TAPS spaces must be able to pay through Stanford iJournal.


All space use has a four hour minimum and includes use of basic theater equipment (projection, lighting and sound) that is already in the space. Some venues vary in set up of equipment and seating; please confirm understanding of available equipment prior to committing to the venue.


All space use requires a qualified Venue Supervisor.


Rates provided are for artistic uses of spaces only. Rates for other uses are determined on an individual basis dependent on the impact to our community. 

Base Equipment Rate

Staff Supervision Rate

Student Supervisor Rate

Additional Charges

*Small Venues include Prosser Theater, most Roble studios and the following in Memorial Hall; M121-Green Room, M125-Seminar Room, and M129-Acting Studio.

**Large Venues include Pigott Theater, the Harry J. Elam, Jr. Theater, formerly Roble Studio Theater (R123), and the Roble Dance Studio (R113).

***Client responsible for cost of professional moving and tuning


  • Billing is done in half hour increments only and includes any time a supervisor is required to be present in the venue, excluding breaks.
  • Supervisors must have a scheduled meal break of no less than 30 minutes to 1 hour every 4 to 5 hours or a 1 hour meal penalty will apply. If meal break is less than 30 minutes additional charges for meals will apply.
  • Supervisors are not run crew. Supervisors are able to advise on use of TAPS equipment but occupant should be prepared to provide technicians to operate equipment for their event or production.
  • Staffing assumes use of rep lighting/video/sound plot and no moving of seating or scenic curtains. Any changes to rep set up will incur additional charges.
  • Additional staff and or cleaning may be required depending on the nature of the event.
  • All use must adhere to the applicable Facility Use Policy found on the TAPS website under each venue name.
  • If minors (children under the age of 18) are involved in the event or production all applicable policies must be followed
  • All VSO’s must provide a PTA on signing of Letter of Agreement.
  • Student groups that are paying TAPS for space for public events during the current or upcoming quarter are given the opportunity to request rehearsal space for the entire quarter during the first week of classes. Additional requests can be made between 5pm on Wednesday and 8am on Thursday for the following Monday through Sunday for both Roble Gymnasium and Memorial Hall. Weekly requests should not be made until after business hours on Wednesday afternoons and will be processed by end of business each Thursday. 
  • Student groups paying for use of Large Venues for more than three days may request keys to access some related spaces for rehearsal during the quarter.  Keys must be signed out to one individual who is responsible for the return of those keys as part of strike/load out.  The individual must complete TAPS supervisor training for the space.
  • Memorial Auditorium is booked through the Registrar’s Office and 25Live and will include costs from Event Services, Stanford Live, and BGM for lighting equipment, sound systems, and cleaning in the space.
  • Commercial activity, solicitation or other retail activities on the Stanford campus are governed by the University Policy 1.5.3 Unrelated Business Activity and Internal Revenue Service tax codes.
  • All activities and participants must commit to operating under Stanford’s Culture of Respect Guidelines. Persons found in violation of these guidelines will be asked to leave.
  • Student conduct is governed per the University Honor Code and Fundamental Standard.



  • Keys and Stanford ID card access for Memorial Hall, Roble Gym, and Nitery may be obtained by contacting TAPS Facility Manager, Lori Fowler, at lsfowler [at] stanford.edu.
  • Access is only provided for the time that an individual is actively involved with TAPS. Project Based access will be terminated at the end of the project. Keys must be returned within 7 days following the conclusion of a project or an individual’s involvement with TAPS or fines may be assessed.


  • An individual entering or exiting a secured building shall be responsible for ensuring the door is secured.
  • All building occupants will close and latch all windows in the building before leaving for the day. 
  • Exterior doors should never be propped open. This practice may allow for unauthorized entry and possible theft or harm to others. An open door also allows for heat/cold from the HVAC system to escape the building, wasting energy.
  • When entering a building with a key or access card, no building occupant should allow others unknown to them to follow behind (piggyback) for the safety and security of property and occupants. Ask them to use their own card.  If you are uncomfortable or feel unsafe confronting the person, immediately report the possible unauthorized entry to a supervisor or call Public Safety at 650-329-2413 (24/7 non-emergency phone line).
  • Always be sure to keep keys in a safe and secure place, never in plain sight and unattended.
  • Keys that are checked out for the day must be returned the same day.  At no time should a building master key be taken home.


If any key(s) is confirmed to be missing, lost, or stolen, immediately report the loss to the Key Coordinator or Building Manager including a report via email for documentation.


  • TAPS Majors & Minors have Stanford ID card access to Memorial Hall exterior doors during building open hours (8:30AM-6:30PM) and can request after-hours ID card access on a show or project basis.
  • Stage Managers for student productions may receive interior keys to theater or studio, booth, copy room, and dressing rooms as needed per show.


  • Students have Stanford ID card access to Roble Gymnasium during building open hours (8:30AM-10:50PM).


The Roble Gym building is operated by the Department of Theater & Performance Studies (TAPS) which is dedicated to maximizing the utilization of its spaces (within its means) for the performing arts community of Stanford University. Meeting and rehearsal rooms of the Roble Gym building will be available for online booking to qualified university groups and individuals on an “as available” basis. Application for use of one of the Roble spaces for a special event or performance must be made far in advance through the TAPS Production manager. The Department of Theater & Performance Studies reserves the right to reschedule events and/or activities based upon the needs of its academic activities and programs.


The building hours vary and are shown on each of the calendar pages and at the building’s front entrance. The building is closed most school holidays. All after hours or holiday use of this building must be arranged for in advance, scheduled on the calendar and will require direct supervision of faculty or staff which may be subject to a fee.


Roble Seminar Room 139 – A 500 square foot seminar room for as many as 30 individuals around one table. White boards, bulletin boards, projector with sound system and a projection screen are available.

Roble Classroom 137 – A 460 square foot basic classroom with white board, bulletin boards, a projection screen, projector with sound system, and work tables for 16 to 18 individuals.

Harry J. Elam, Jr. Theater  – This 6540 square foot space features a “black box” theater. Seating platforms will be available to provide various configurations as approved by the county.

Roble Studio 136 – A 900 square foot room with sprung floor dedicated to acting classes, workshops and production rehearsals. There is a selection of rehearsal furniture that resides in this space to facilitate the intended activities.

Roble Lounge 102 – This space is dedicated for student activities, meetings and receptions during the building’s normal operating hours. Groups may reserve the lounge for special events that are scheduled after normal operating hours.

Roble Studio 113 (Roble Big Studio) – This 5220 square foot space is used exclusively for Dance. The floor in this space is sprung and the floor is maintained to support only dance activities.

Roble Studio 114 – An 890 square foot dance and movement studio. One full wall is mirrored. The floor in this space is sprung and the floor is maintained to support only dance activities.

Roble Studio 115 – A new 3067 square foot dance and movement studio with a cushioned dance wood floor over concrete.

Roble Courtyard – This internal space will be available for receptions and special events, but only outside of normal operating hours.


Policies listed here are in addition to General TAPS Spaces policy and University policy.

  • The kitchen and its equipment are reserved for use by our faculty and staff only. After serving an event or reception, the kitchen and its dishes must be immediately cleaned by the participants.
  • TAPS arrangement with the custodial contractor is to provide only basic services to support programmatic need. Special events, productions or receptions require special services that the sponsor or booking group must pay for.


See “Rehearsal Space” (tab listed at left of page) for policies and procedures on booking student group rehearsals. To book a public event, see “Loan-Out Requests.”  Questions may be emailed to TAPSCalendar [at] stanford.edu


The Memorial Hall building, with the exception of Memorial Auditorium, is operated by the Department of Theater & Performance Studies (TAPS) which is dedicated to maximizing the utilization of its spaces (within its means) for the performing arts community of Stanford University. Meeting, rehearsal and performance spaces in the Memorial Hall building will be available for online booking to qualified university groups and individuals on an “as available” basis. Application for use of one of the Memorial Hall spaces for a special event or performance must be made advance through the TAPS Production manager. The Department of Theater & Performance Studies reserves the right to reschedule events and/or activities based upon the needs of its academic activities and programs.


Memorial Hall is typically open weekdays between 8:30 AM and 11:00 PM. The building is closed most school holidays. All after-hours or holiday use of this building must be arranged for in advance, scheduled on the calendar, and will require direct supervision of faculty or staff which may be subject to a fee.


Memorial Auditorium – A 1711 seat house with a 4870 square foot stage. This space is scheduled by the University Registrar’s office as governed by university policy. Use of this space conflicts with Pigott Theater and Prosser Studio. When there are activities scheduled in any one of the spaces, the other two will be restricted. (See section “Memorial Auditorium” below).

Pigott Theater – A 192 seat house with a 1380 square foot stage. This space houses TAPS productions, classes, lectures, symposiums and workshops.Use of this space conflicts with Memorial Auditorium and Prosser Studio. When there are activities scheduled in any one of the spaces, the other two will be restricted.

Prosser Studio – A 1370 square foot black box theater with flexible seating from 30-55. This space is used for classes and small productions. Use of this space conflicts with Memorial Auditorium and Pigott Theater. When there are activities scheduled in any one of the spaces, the other two will be restricted. This space is not cleaned by custodians. Those who use Prosser are responsible for cleaning this space.

Green Room 121 – A 560 square foot room directly adjacent to the main stage and the Pigott stage. This space is used for small meetings and receptions as well as providing support space to the scheduled activities of both stages.

Seminar Room 125 – A seminar space for up to 15 individuals around one table. White board and projector with sounds system and screen are available.

Design Lab 126 – Classroom with whiteboard, projector with sound system and a screen available for up to 20 people around a large table.

Acting Studio 129 – Studio dedicated to acting and movement classes, workshops and production rehearsals. There is a selection of rehearsal furniture that resides in this space to facilitate the intended activities.

Dressing Rooms 01 – 06 – Six dressing rooms serve both Memorial Auditorium and Pigott Theater. Five dressing rooms house 3-5 people and one holds up to 12. Each dressing room has an audio monitor, make up mirrors and chairs. Costume racks must be rolled in.

Guest Artist Suite 145 – This multi-use space serves as TAPS fitting room as well as a Guest Artist suite.There is no stage monitor in this space and use of it must be requested in advance.

Prosser Support 204 – This space provides backstage support space to Prosser Studio and must be kept clean and neat with a proper egress path at all times.

Shop Spaces – The scene, costume, and electrics shops are available to use for TAPS productions. TAPS majors with experience working in the shops may request permission to use the space during operating hours 9:00 AM–4:00 PM Monday through Friday from TAPS Production Manager.


Policies listed here are in addition to General TAPS Spaces policy and University policy.

  • The projection equipment in TAPS spaces is in use for classes and should not be moved or altered. Special exceptions may be made for projects through advance request to the TAPS Technical Director.


See “Rehearsal Space” (tab at left of page) for policies and procedures on booking student group rehearsals. To book a public event, see “Loan-Out Requests.”  Questions may be emailed to TAPSCalendar [at] stanford.edu


Memorial Auditorium is scheduled by the University Registrar’s office as governed by University policy. Use of Memorial Auditorium requires approval from TAPS Production Manager and the Office of Special Events & Protocol (OSEP).All activities in Memorial Auditorium require Event Services supervision unless an exception has been made by OSEP.


The Green Room – A 560 square foot room directly adjacent the main stage and the Pigott stage. This space is utilized for small meetings and receptions as well as providing support space to the scheduled activities of both stages. When there are activities scheduled on the main stage, this space will not be available for meetings or other unrelated activities. This space is automatically included with a Memorial Auditorium booking.

Dressing Rooms 01 – 06 – Six dressing rooms serve both Memorial Auditorium and Pigott Theater. Five dressing rooms house 3-5 people and one holds up to 12. Each dressing room has an audio monitor, make up mirrors and chairs. Costume racks must be rolled in.

Guest Artist Suite 145 – This multi-use space serves as TAPS fitting room as well as a Guest Artist suite.There is no stage monitor in this space and use of it must be requested in advance.


A supervisor will be present for all TAPS department sponsored activities and will act as our representative to ensure that activities are safe, properly scheduled, and that policy is followed. University Policy

All events in this space require special custodial and technical services that the sponsor or booking group must pay for. Work orders must be submitted prior to event approval.


Contact the Registrar’s Office for booking an event in this space.


The Nitery Theater in Old Union is operated by the NExT student board.


Please note that there are no regular hours for this space. All activities within this space must fall within the agreed upon hours and all participants must be outside the building by closing time so that the supervisor may lock up and secure all spaces. After hours use of this facility is prohibited without advance arrangement and consideration.


The Nitery Theater – A 1820 square foot black box studio theater with a typical seating capacity of 72 to 82. Theatrical lighting and sound systems are available along with reconfigurable audience platforms. Attached to the theater is a 273 square foot dressing room with restroom and a 112 square foot “backstage” service area. There are no storage areas available at the Nitery.


The absolute occupancy limit for this theater is set by the seating configuration. Extra rows of chairs may not be added without advance approval and at no time may people sit in the aisles or exit pathways.

  • All exit pathways, including the one running across the stage area, must remain completely clear at all times.
  • A building supervisor will be present for all activities open to the public and will act as our representative to ensure that activities are safe and that policy is followed.
  • Receptions serving food or drink are not permitted within the Nitery Theater.
  • Our arrangement with the custodial contractor is to provide only basic services to support our programmatic need. Special events and productions require special services that the sponsor or booking group must pay for.
  • When using amplified sound or loud instruments in this building, you must be respectful of the other scheduled activities in the building.


The Nitery Theater in Old Union is operated by the NExT student board. Questions about scheduling space may be emailed to nitery-theater-board [at] lists.stanford.edu