Much of theater is an act of transformation, and the Scene Shop plays a significant role in transforming our spaces into a thousand and one different worlds. Starting with the design of the set, in which they transform the words of the show into an artistic scenic vision, through the model-making and blueprints, and finally to the construction and finishing of each set piece, the Scene Shop brings the actors and audience into the world of the show.
We also believe in the importance of developing practical theater-makers, and the Scene Shop works with students every day to build their shop skills. Students work directly on the Department’s shows, and they have an enormous part in building the sets. From engineers with no background in theater to actors interested in what it takes behind the scenes of a show, the Shop provides an opportunity for students to engage in hands-on projects and learn useful skills applicable to the theater and other areas of their lives.
The Scene Shop is located just off of Memorial Auditorium main stage, with an offshoot space at Roble Gym behind the Harry J. Elam, Jr. Theater. Main offices for shop staff are in the Upper and Lower Scenic Shops in Memorial Auditorium.